by Alyse Mitten
There’s more than one way for your business to be found through search engines. Businesses who are active on social networks are finding that Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or LinkedIn are showing up as part of their search and sometimes before their website. When social networks are optimized, it is called Social Media Optimization (SMO).
Recently we completed a new website for a local dry cleaning business. We optimized the site and when testing the site for SEO, we noticed their Facebook page came ahead of their site and also ahead of other major sites that normally take top position in ranking.
What created this ranking was the correct usage of keyword phrases. Keyword phrases are a combination of three to four words used to find them in a search. Let’s look at our dry cleaning business to give you an example of this. Her business provides as one of their services wedding gown preservation (and the town she is trying to target). That’s a four-word keyword phrase. By using this combination of words in posts and on the about section of her Facebook page, she insures her Facebook page of helping to be found through search engines.
Social Media Optimization (SMO) is just as important as Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Below are three ways to maximize your SMO:
1. Know your keyword phrases and make sure they are optimized on your site. Word of advice: What you think they are might be a totally different story to what your website is delivering as keyword phrases. I have seen, so called, search engine optimized websites with keyword phrases totally off the mark and not showing any of the keyword phrases a person would search to find the site.
2. Complete all areas on your Social Network pages that will include your keyword phrases.
3. Post often to keep the information fresh.
Interested in learning more about social network marketing or email engagement? We have a vast variety of blogs on our website. If you’re ready to start marketing your business vial social media, give us a call and let’s chat.
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